Our Services

We guide our clients through the entire process of the custom home creation. While the heart of our expertise lies in the design of the home, we assemble a team of experts to address every part of the journey. From finding a property, through the construction, all the way to moving in. We are there every step of the way. We let you pick and choose from a long list of offerings.

information designing building architect builder construction home house process how to

Information Sharing

Before we get started we provide all the information for our clients to make the right decision, including whether a custom, high-performing, modern home is the right idea for them in the first place.


Property Search

We will help them find the right property for their home. It all starts there. Without a lot we cannot begin. You have to find a patch of land first - the one you can fall in love with.

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planning design construction modern custom sustainable house charlotte nc


With our Design Goal Review we establish our clients’ dreams and wishes and align them with their pocket book, a time line, and all other demands on their project. We set the goal posts - a plan that will safely carry us through the entire endeavor.



Together with our clients we explore many possibilities in the search for their home. Together we create the house on paper, from scratch - line by line. We explore, try, debate and develop a design that will have a chance to knock them off their feet again and again.

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construction drawings blueprints modern luxury house asheville nc


After we have figured out how to create the perfect stage for their life, we develop a set of construction drawings. It is the assembly instructions for everyone involved. With these drawings we figure out how to put your home together brick by brick. Through them we share with others how to do it.


3D Renderings

To keep dreaming during the construction we develop 3D renderings of our clients’ home. They can share them with friends and family. Our clients can pull them up whenever they find themselves yearning for the end product.

3d rendering a luxury modern home in north carolina
architectural model north carolina raleigh


To provide our clients with a tactile experience of how all the bits and pieces come together, form a whole, and nestle into the property, we provide physical models, either 3D-printed or hand made. (Dolls are extra.)



To test-fly their home fully before it gets built we let or clients take it in on a spin with a Virtual Reality walk-through. They get to experience each room to take a gander all around.

vr virtual reality walk through of a contemporary energy efficient home
building the construction of a modern high performing home


Together with our clients we select a builder early on to make them part of the team. During the construction we are at everyone’s beck and call to answer questions, make decisions, work out details, and help push the process smoothly over the finish line.



During the construction we take our clients to showrooms and manufacturing shops, picking and choosing the final materials for the exterior and interior, as well as appliances, fixtures, and colors. The design process never stops. We can help with furniture, window treatment and all the rest.

making the sections for a contemporary energy efficient home
interior design for modern homes asheville north carolina

Interior Design

For some of our Clients we expand on the expertise and bring the right kind of interior designers on board to polish off every last aspect of the living environment.



We partner with structural engineers on each of our projects to ensure proper sizing and detailing of all structural bits and pieces. If the projects requires it, we even bring civil and mechanical engineer on board.

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high-performing passive leed houses in north carolina nc

Green Measures

To ensure that our homes offer the full gamut of sustainability, based on our clients appetite, we partner with external certification programs and testers, as well as include standard high-performance systems, such as photovoltaic solar panels.


Landscape Design

We work with with Landscape Architects for those projects that require an extension of our design intent into the surroundings of the home.

landscape design architect modern luxury asheville nc
moving into a modern high performing home

Moving In

To ensure that the final move is the happiest occasion of the entire process we share our tips and tricks and connect our clients with the right crews.


Life Organization

Last but not least, we have the best life organization experts on call. We ensure that our clients’ smile will firmly remain beaming from within. We want to make sure they will always find the cork screw.

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